Saturday, October 15, 2011

My angels arrive!

The girls arrived on schedule this past Wednesday and have been staying with Karen along with their parents Annie and Peter.  Annie's brother Tommy is being married this afternoon so it is not a surprise when I say that everyone's schedule has been stretched a bit thin over the past few days.  Annie and Faye are in the wedding party, and little Faye is so nervous with her role as one of the flower girls that one would think she is the bride.  When she arrived home last evening from attending the rehearsal festivities all she talked about was being so nervous.  Apparently the fact that she is the shortest of the flower girls places her first to walk down the aisle.  My hunch is that she will handle her role just fine.

This coming Monday morning the framing crew will be on the job site preparing to erect the steel frame for the new Handy Toyota store.  The crew foreman was on site yesterday taking final measurements and based on his demeanor all appeared to be satisfactory.  With some cooperation from Mother Nature, by this time next week I am hoping to have a picture or two in my blog of the framing progress, but for now check out the image below to see the mostly completed foundation!  It feels so good to have progressed to this point.

October is off to a reasonably good start here at Handy Toyota of St. Albans, VT.  The Toyota service crew is starting to rev up to meet the demands of getting vehicles ready for the winter months ahead.  New Toyota and pre-owned vehicle sales are on a normal October pace as well, so all and all unless something unexpected pops up, October is on the way to a good month.

I must be short this week.  My job at the wedding this afternoon is to be in charge of our granddaughter Marie.  She is the sweetest one year old that I have ever known.  The joy that she brings to our family is incredible.  We are so fortunate to have her.

The best to all and please have a laid back enjoyable week end.

Dan Luneau
Handy Toyota
St. Albans, VT  05478

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